Friday, June 29, 2007

Trying Something New

As I am gaining more computer confidence I am trying my hand at computer independence. Crazy, I know, but with the girls growing so fast and our family and friends increasing in number I wanted to try out a blog to see if it would be an easy way for us to keep you "posted' (sorry, I couldn't resist)

This page will be an update of our boring family affairs. No need to visit if you don't want to hear about report cards, school plays or funny knock-knock jokes. I will give the girls a chance to right their own stuff and I will also post some of Tori's short stories and the girls drawings.

Most recent happenings: Annie and Julie have lost their first teeth. Annie realized that her tooth was loose about a week ago. Not to be undone, Julie declared that her tooth was also loose, then surprised to find that it indeed was. The tooth fairy was more generous then she wanted to be thanks to Nonno.

So... Here we go.