Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Growing Up

Things I love

When a Beach Boy song (or even better, a David Bowie song) comes on the radio and the girls start singing along since they know EVERY word.

The way Juliette holds her own, private conversation with herself in the middle of the night when she gets up to go to the bathroom. No one knows what’s going on but her.

The way one twin takes care of the other when she’s sad (providing the twin isn’t the offender, of course).

The way the girls baby-talk to my stomach.

Juliette, who is so easily “grossed-out”, lets Ramsey lick her face

How all three girls have the same notch in their ear as Dad.

How both Annie and Julie have a mole on the back of their leg like Grandma

How Annie is very much Julie's Big Sister.

Things that make me just a little sad

Tori is too tall to hug around my waist and tall enough to put her arm around my shoulders

Tori’s hand-me downs go straight to the twins; they don’t have to wait to grow into them. (It does save on storage, though.)

Annie and Julie aren’t AT ALL scared to take the bus to school next year.

Tori’s Tiger Stripe is fading

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