Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Knott's with Nonna

Mom had a lunch date with her friend today. She was planning on taking Livi along but Nonna took the opportunity to take the Littlest Puoci Girl on her first trip to Knott's Berry Farm. All of the grandkids get to spend special time with Nonna at Knott's. It's a tradition. The PGs and the Kirsch kids have passes and when Jacob and Luka come to visit, one day is always set aside to spend with Nonna at the amusement park. Livi won't get to grow up with the Peanuts Gang the way Tori, Annie and Julie have but at least she's now been introduced to them.

(Olivia didn't actually ride the "Huff N Puff" Nonna just asked to put her in it for the picture since there is a picture of each grandkid in the famous ride)

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