Thursday, June 2, 2011

Twins Heritage Project on Egypt


(Molo’hia and Molo’)

This family recipe has been passed down orally. Each family has their own version. The amounts listed below are a good guess of what Nonna told my mom but it changes each time she makes it now that we don’t live close enough for Nonna to supervise J.


2 packages, frozen molo’hia

1 carton chicken broth

1 head of garlic, minced

1/3 cup ground coriander

Salt, a lot


In heavy pot, heat oil. Sauté garlic.

Add coriander and stir to form thick paste.

This is called the talia.

Add chicken broth, bring to a boil.

Reduce broth to a simmer.

Add packages of molo’hia.

Let molo’ slowly dissolve,

stirring occasionally until fully incorporated.

Add salt.

Do not allow to boil!

Serve with:

Cooked Rice

Boiled Chicken

Toasted pita bread

Minced onion marinated in vinegar

How to eat!

Combine the above ingredients to form a stew. Each individual person makes it their own way. I like mine soupy and I eat it with a spoon. My mom likes hers with extra vinegar. She adds her bread last so that it stays crunchy. Mom eats hers molo’ with a fork. The most interesting way I’ve seen to eat Molo’ is the way my Nonno eats it. First he puts a small amount of soup in the bottom of the bowl. Then he adds the toasted bread, the chicken and the onions. After that, he makes a mountain of rice hiding the molo’ mixture. He smoothes the rice with the back of a spoon and flattens it on top. He then spoons A LOT more molo over the rice. By the time he is finished making his molo sculpture everyone else is ½ way finished eating. Nonno always finishes first though! But sometimes I beat him!

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